Meet Doriane Colle

Writing to make an impact
Welcome to my fictional world!
Here you can read my scripts and learn more about me and my work.
Meet me and learn more about my journey and my goals, what drives me and where I would like to go next.
My name is Doriane, I'm 25 and I come from the east of France. I graduated from EICAR in 2023 and I'm currently living in Paris.
I'm obsessed with dogs, very passionate and ready to create wonderful stories with amazing people!


The road so far
There’s always something to look forward to.

The beginning
I was nearly ten years young, watching « The Lord Of The Rings » (Peter Jackson) over and over again. I got the DVD special edition for christmas, including the « Behind The Scenes ». This is now the moment where you can imagine little me, watching the screen with stars in my eyes as they explained how they created the movie, bringing the story to life. How they used old tricks as well as new technology, how they created the costumes and armors by hand, how they filmed everything. And as I saw the teams working, I knew. That was my calling.
The first step
Fast forward a few years, I’m entering a highschool with an audio-visual program. I discovered the industry, how to make a movie and developped several short-movies and made wonderful friendships. I learned to edit, write and tried all the positions and tools in the filmmaking world. To say that I loved it was an understatment, there was no better waking ups than the ones when we had to shoot a shortmovie or participate in a festival. It was the best reason to get out of bed and work through the day. I sharpened my skill in different genres, competed in festivals or participated to their organizations. I learned how to work in a team. Being extroverted, I had no problems concerning this aspect and got my degree with flying colors.

The next step
In 2019, I played « Detroit Become Human » for the first time. Having played and enjoyed video-games since childhood, one can say it was yet another revelation. During an interview with the head Narrative Designer, they said the script was thousands of pages long. I was shocked, to say the least, and immediately started to inquire about the job of a Narrative Designer or Screenwriter. I wanted so badly to be a part of it. The creative process and all it entails. So I found a school, EICAR Paris, who offered a Screenwriting Program. I learned with excellent teachers how to properly write a script. Building a world, creating tension, original plots and lovable, relatable characters, adapt to production criterias. The program is one in a lifetime, as we were a few to get selected to learn about dramaturgical keys and work under pressure, with a team. I produced short movies for the Nikon Festival, and a few of my scripts have been selected to be filmed during that time. I made connection and friendships, sharpened my skills until I was capable to work in any field.
I graduated and am now working with other people, producers directors, screenwriters and narrative designers to create new thrilling stories. I am motivated to work in this field of dreams, writing to spread a bit of hope, warmth and enjoyment for the audiences. If you want to read some of my work, feel free to check them out ! Let’s work well together to tell the stories who will shape the future and resonate with everyone !
